Friday, December 31, 2010

A Christmas Cookie Miracle

So, as I mentioned previously, I had gotten into the Christmas spirit in full swing. And, I harnessed that spirit in the form of baking...a LOT. I wanted to make Christmas cookies like I did when I was younger with my mom. So I looked up the recipe for the plain flour-based cookies that you can decorate, as well as the peanut butter kiss cookies that no holiday is complete without, and went to town.

I started with just a batch of the peanut butter cookies, which didn't last long in our house at all (I shudder to think back on how many cookies I actually ate, how much batter I tasted and how much butter was in all of it!) so I made another set (batch #2) to get us at least TO Christmas. :)

Then, the hubs asked if he could take cookies into the hospital with him one night - one think I've learned from him is that doctors and nurses LOVE treats, especially if they're working the overnight shift. So, rather than just packing up a few of the cookies that we had remaining, I made a whole new batch of the peanut butter cookies (batch #3.) They were a huge hit, so it was totally worth it.

Then, Christmas eve came around and I realized I had never made the flour cookies to decorate. The dough had been made for a week and was sitting in the fridge, and the doc was working all day Xmas Eve, overnight to Xmas morning. Cue genius idea - I'd make the flour cookies, and another batch of peanut butter cookies (batch #4) since they were such a hit the previous shift.

I certainly did not set out to spend my entire Christmas Eve in the kitchen, meticulously decorating cookies with a sense of creativity that I didn't know I possessed. However...the pictures below will show what happened much better than I could ever describe:

I'm a bit cookied-out after all that, but I ended up really enjoying myself, listening to Christmas music while I baked and decorated, baked and decorated, baked and decorated some more. And the docs and nurses were so appreciative of a sweet treat on a holiday that I'd do it again in a heartbeat...just not until next year.

Hope your holidays were wonderful and you all have a safe and happy New Year as well.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Three C's of Comfort Food

What is it about comfort food that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Is it because it reminds us of the meals mom used to make when we were little? Is it because we're TOLD it's meant to be comforting to us and, therefore, we feel that way? I don't know what the reason is, or if there's a specific set of criteria a food must meet in order for it to gain "comfort food" status, but I've got my own reasons and qualities about comfort food.

Sometimes, you just have a bad day. And, at least for me, when those days hit, I want to eat something that is going to make me feel better (as well as have a glass of wine, lay on the couch, watch bad TV and snuggle in a blanket with my dog.) So I turn to comfort food - which I define as possessing the "Three Cs" qualities:
  • Caloric - must be high in calories and likely bad for me, which is why it tastes so good

  • Cholesterol - must contains large amounts of butter and fat, ideally in the form of breadings and baked goods

  • Comatose - must make me enter a food coma and want to doze as I lay on the couch with my wine, blanket, bad TV and dog

Occasionally, I turn to the Fourth C of comfort food...the almighty CHOCOLATE. Now, if you can combine the Almighty Chocolate with any of the above C qualities, we should be friends and you should bring over your Super Comfort Food immediately.

The other night was somewhat one of these nights. I wasn't having a particularly bad day - it was just blah. You've probably heard of the massive amounts of rain Southern California got for the past three days. After day three of swimming the dog (rather than walking him) I was done. I was in a weather funk and just wanted to feel better. Cue comfort food!

I made Chicken Kiev (read: breaded chicken stuffed with butter, cheese and herbs, oh my), Creamy (read: butter) Chicken Rice and Big & Buttery (read: big and buttery) Crescent Rolls. Not only did this meal conform to my Three Cs rule, but each of the dishes also begins with a C. Coincidence? I think not!

The comfort food did the trick and I was feeling full and happy. And, now that we're in the countdown to Christmas, I've been baking cookies like my life depends on it. Here is the ultimate test of how many Cs one can combine into holiday baking:

  • Chocolate

  • Christmas

  • Cookies (that are high in)

  • Calories (and)

  • Cholesterol (and make me want to enter a)

  • Coma

It's almost too much to handle! Now, combine your ultimate cookies with a Cocktail and you're set. Tis the season for comfort food!



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vacation Revelation: Trying New Things Can Be Fun!

I, and the husband, were on vacation this past week, the WHOLE week. And it was glorious! We each were able to schedule the week off from our respective jobs to spend some time together, around the holidays, and explore this great city that we've lived in for six months and never really "seen." We did a nice mix of activities and bumming around, enough to see, do and eat some fun things, as well as be well-rested for the return to work tomorrow.

For me, the vacation really can be summed up into one theme: trying new things. I learned how to play XBox 360, which the man loves, and it turns out it can be pretty fun. We also got the new Kinect (thanks Mom and Dad!) for XBox, which is an absolute blast to play as well. I also touched, held and fired a gun for the first time. We paid a visit to a shooting range, as my guy has always been interested in and around guns and wanted to go. Again, tried something new (and terrifying at first!) and found out I really like it. Talk about the ultimate stress busting activity! :)

And, finally, I discovered the ultimate discovery: there are certain seafood dishes that I will eat. I've spent all of my 27 years of life avoiding seafood in all its forms- raw, cooked, seared, wet, dry, fried, boiled and so on. NEVER have I found something I liked, so I figured my life would go on as usual, sans seafood. However, we went to dinner this week and, living in San Diego, the majority of items on most menus contain seafood of some kind. So, naturally, I chose my go-to dish of steak. It was delicious, as steaks usually are. The hubs got an ahi tuna dish, which sounded not-so-great on the menu to me. However, in the spirit of the vacation, I decided to try a bite.

LO AND BEHOLD, I loved it. I actually liked it more than he did, so we switched plates and I ate the tuna and he, the steak. It may seem like a small thing to some of you, but truly, there are two dishes I've tried in my entire life that I've been able to eat - certain calamari dishes (if it's REALLY breaded and comes with lots of dipping sauce) and this tuna dish. I have new-found faith that there are other dishes out there that will continue to delight me, if only I find and try them.

So, vacation has come to an end, which I am ever-so sad about, but it was a great time, filled with fun and new experiences and some serious quality time with my guy. I'm excited for Christmas to come this weekend to continue our streak of new and exciting experiences (first Xmas as a married couple- woohoo!) and entertaining a few family members and friends.

Happy holidays to you all and I hope you find something new and exciting to enjoy in the coming weeks as well.


Monday, December 6, 2010

As Visions of Turkeys Danced In My Head

I am in the holiday spirit. I fought it, I really did. But as soon as Thanksgiving came and went, on came the Christmas music, out came the decorations and up went the lights. And thus, Christmas season has begun in the Henry household. And, as I started thinking toward the Christmas holiday, I realized that I still hadn't shared how our Thanksgiving went.
It went GREAT! We had a ten-person potluck OUTSIDE on our apartment community patio, complete with food, drinks, three kinds of pie, football and hot tubbing to end it all.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than type all of it out, I'll share some photos with brief descriptions to share our Thanksgiving with you.

The delicious key lime pie I made - and subsequently enjoyed almost all the leftovers of the few days following Thanksgiving...

My nemesis, Jerry (yes, I named my turkey. It made it easier to violate it as I stuffed my hand where no hand should go...) before he popped into the oven. I rubbed him with veggie oil and seasoned him with salt, pepper, poultry seasoning blend, green onions (inside) and lemon chunks (again, inside).

Jerry, looking all tasty, post-roasting.

My guy, concentrating VERY hard while carving Jerry :)

The spread, complete with turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, bacon-wrapped water chestnuts, cranberry-goat cheese brushetta, sour cream and chive mashed potatoes, turkey, and our three kinds of pie (I'm full just thinking about it again!)

Some of the crew, some resting after eating, some still digging in :)

Our pup, Elvis, getting his first (and only!) taste of turkey.

It truly was a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday with all our friends who also couldn't go home to be with their families. We made our own family that night and it is a Thanksgiving that I will always remember. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well, and hope you're all looking forward to Christmas as much as I am.



Sunday, November 28, 2010

Getting Back to Routine

I have been all out of sorts lately - well, maybe not out of sorts, but out of my routine. For those of you who know me in real life, you know I like my schedules. I live for calendars, organization and routine. I like knowing what's going on, what's coming up and what I need to ready myself for. But these past few weeks definitely have not lended themselves to a normal sense of organization, hence why I haven't been posting.

Nothing serious has occurred, but things have just been so crazy busy that I didn't have a moment, or the motivation to post on here. However, now that Thanksgiving has passed (and it was wonderful, and I do have a post coming up about it, I promise!) I'm looking forward to getting back into some kind of routine. I know that probably sounds crazy with Christmas less than a month away, but I think Christmas is actually going to be pretty calm and stress-free for us this year.

So two weekends ago, we went to St. Louis for my guy's cousin's wedding, which was absolutely lovely. We had a great time at home with the family, just hanging out, catching up and celebrating a new marriage. When we got back, we picked up our dog from the camp we board him at and got back to our lives. The dog seems to have been sick - not keeping his food down, lethargic, not eating on schedule (yet another schedule upset!) - which has keep me busy trying to figure out how to make him better, get him to eat, following him around the house with Resolve and a roll of paper towels etc.

Then, last weekend was my birthday. The hubs was able to be away from work all weekend, and we had a great time. I spent the morning at the spa, we watched a bunch of college football, made "game day" food - wings, onion rings, fries (basically anything that can be fried and dipped into some kind of sauce) and then repeated the lazy, football-watching on Sunday. Great weekend overall, but I didn't get anything done. I'm all for the lazy weekends to just hang out together and relax, but I also look to the weekends to get things accomplished -running errands, cleaning the house, etc.

So we had a short week last week due to Thanksgiving, but that meant trying to cram 5 days of work into two and a half - crazy! Plus getting ready to host our Thanksgiving potluck with 10 people, making my first turkey, handling the other dishes I was responsible for and ensuring I had everything needed (because I was NOT going to the store on Wednesday or Thursday for anything last-minute.)

Long story short (sort of), the past few weeks have been nuts between work, home, the holidays, the dog, traveling and more. I'm working on getting back into MY routine over the next few days and weeks and more regularly posting on here as well.

I realized I actually miss blogging about the cooking I've been doing, the new recipes I've been trying and how they're turning out. So, keep an eye out and I'll be back more regularly, as I'm building blogging into my routine.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foodbuzz Coma/Hangover

I. Am. So. Full....seriously, so full. It's three days after I got back from my FABULOUS trip to San Francisco for the Foodbuzz blogger conference and I'm still full.

I plan on posting a great recap, complete with photos of the event and my side-trip to sightsee some of the attractions, but I just can't yet. I'm too full.

A quick recap - I arrived, ate lunch, worked a bit, had a cocktail, ate dinner (too many courses to count with too many wines to remember), had dessert, had a night cap that somehow turned into night capS and went to bed. Got up, eat, rinse, repeat. FOR THREE DAYS.

My saving grace was the fact that I packed only stretchy and loose clothing, otherwise, I would have had a seriously uncomfortable and, likely, unattractive trip.

I had a fabulous time though and would like to go back immediately. Instead, I've been fighting the urge to never eat again, and motivating myself to continue cooking (hey, a guy's gotta eat, right? Can't have him starving!)

So, I turned to what has become one of my default meals - Simple Stir-Fry. Seriously, you can make stir-fry with just about anything (or practically nothing!)

What you need:
- Rice (I like brown rice as "it's better for you" so I'm told)
- Veggies
  • This time I went with what I had in the house: onions, garlic (two ingredients you'll find in pretty much everything I make), green and red peppers, water chestnuts, asparagus, peas and corn
- Spices (cumin and cayenne to give it a nice kick) plus salt and pepper
- Chicken (if you want. I went vegetarian this time because, did I mention? I'M FULL!)

Boil the rice while you stir-fry the veggies (do the chicken first and set it aside if you're using meat so it can cool and not get overcooked while you do the veggies) in a bit of olive oil, sprinkling the spices over the top to coat.

Plate rice, top with veggies/meat and voila! Simple Stir-Fry. Not too terribly filling and kind of makes you feel like you're eating healthy. Plus, there's usually leftovers, which makes a fab lunch the next day.

We're headed off to St. Louis this weekend for a wedding, and to see the hub's family, which means more eating :) Good think I like my food! (and good thing I planned to wear a stretchy dress!)

More to come when we return.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Buzzin' about Food Buzz!

So, I am headed off to San Francisco this weekend for the second annual Food Buzz blogger conference. I was asked to go as a representative from my PR firm, and it's just coincidental that I recently started this food-oriented blog (ah, fate, how I love thee!)

So I'm going to San Francisco ( sure to wear a flower in your hair! I've been singing that all week!) tomorrow to meet other food bloggers, make some new friends, develop some (hopefully!) mutually beneficial business partnerships and eat and drink all I possibly can. Seriously, I went shopping today to find as many loose-fitting, stretchy-yet-fashionable clothes as possible. If you're going to Food Buzz, I'll be the girl in leggings and loose tops EVERY.SINGLE.DAY :)

I'm really looking forward to chatting with other food bloggers - both those that are new to the space, like me, and those who have been in it for years. I think there's so much to learn, both professionally and personally, and everyone I've "spoken" to thus far via Twitter seem like the most open, nice, welcoming people ever. I'm giddy just thinking about it!

BONUS: Just found out my dear friend/former colleague/bridesmaid/newly engaged friend will be there for her client, so this just got even more exciting. We'll get a chance to catch up, hang out, discuss food, eat and drink together, eat some more, catch up some more, discuss her upcoming wedding, and probably have a few more items to eat and drink.

So, it's late here, and I've got an early morning of logistics - musical car trade-off with the doc, bringing the dog to camp, finishing packing (I'm sure just to repack a few times), conference calls for work before the airport, then hopping on a short flight to the fest!

I'll try to post at some point from the fest during the weekend, but I make no promises. But you're sure to get a good recap with lots of photos early next week.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Brilliant! (An Ode to the Wine Vending Machine)

I am part of a Navy wives' club here in San Diego, which is a great resource for meeting new people, getting involved in a new city, and making connections for when you inevitably move away from the city you're in. One of the activities I got involved in was the book club, as I LOVE to read and read pretty much anythign I can get my hands on, regardless of if I plan to discuss it with someone or not (though I frequently share books with my mom and sister, so we're like a built-in book club, I suppose.)

Anyways, I hosted our first book club for the wives' group this past month and chose a wine bar downtown that had a very attractive installation...a wine vending machine.

(sorry the photo is so dark)

That's right, I said a wine vending machine. I actually chose this bar because I knew they had one of these glorious inventions and thought it would make a great venue for us to visit and toy for us to play with. As you probably can imagine (or have seen) the wine vending machine is exactly what it looks like - a machine that dispenses various varieties of wine, for a variety of prices. They have a machine for reds and one for whites, which keeps the whites cold (yum.) You preload a card with however much you want to spend, insert it into the machine and pick your poison. Your card is deducted the amount for the tasting and you are poured a delicious taste of wine.

It's a great idea for those who like a variety of wines when you go out, but don't want to shell out the cash (or sobriety) to have a full glass of each kind. It's also good even for those of us who are less adventurous (like me!) to try a small taste of something (unfortunately, for me, I tried a few reds and discovered I'm pretty much destined to drink only white for the rest of my life. But I'm ok with that.)

We had a great time trying the different kinds of wine and I definitely plan on going back and maybe giving a red another shot...maybe.



Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are you ready for some football (snacks)?

It's no secret that I'm a huge sports fan - baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, you name it, I like it. And, I really like enjoying some good food and drinks while watching said games.

So yesterday was the perfect opportunity to do just that. Our alma matter, University of Missouri, was playing the number one team in the country, Oklahoma, at home on Homecoming day. It was going to be a huge game and the hubby, somehow, miraculously, was off the entire day to enjoy it with me.

I planned a day full of food to enjoy while the Tigers were marching to victory.
  • I started off the day with blueberry muffins. I'll be perfectly honest with you, I see nothing wrong with making them from a box. You can hardly mess them up, unless you burn them, and they're always consistently good. What else can you ask for while cooking, especially at an hour of the day when you have hardly woken up and had your coffee?

  • Then, once the coffee kicked in, I was feeling inspired, so I whipped up a batch of brownies to sweeten the victory at the end of the day. Again, I'm a big fan of boxed mixes for brownies. Really, actually, for anything that has to do with baking. I'm all for cooking from scratch, but there's something about baking that gets to me and I like it as easy and error-proof as possible.I took a break from the kitchen for a while to hang out and carve the massive pumpkins I'd bought earlier this week. It was a beautiful, sunny day outside and it was great to be outdoors with my two boys (I'm including the dog). I really wanted to carve the Missouri "M" logo in my pumpkin, but seeing as my artistic talents start and stop with the ability to (poorly) draw stick people, I figured it would be best to stick with traditional jack o' lantern designs. (The guy's is on the left, mine is on the right)

We headed back inside to start the food prep for the game, and I roasted the pumpkin seeds for a snack. I was looking forward all week to enjoying those salty, crunchy seeds and, to my utter dismay, I burned the daylights out of them. There were a few spared the fires of the oven, but overall they're pretty burned and, therefore, inedible. Oh well, I have a whole year to perfect my cooking techniques :)
  • I made a quick appetizer of bacon-wrapped water chestnuts that I'm pretty sure I could live on if the need arose. If you're looking for a quick app that travels well and is a hit with anyone, I highly recommend this recipe. You take canned water chestnuts (halve them if they're too big to pop in your mouth in one bite), wrap them in a piece (or half-piece) of bacon, secure with a toothpick, line up in a baking dish, cover with your choice of BBQ sauce, and bake until the sauce is nice and thick and the bacon is cooked, usually about 30 mins or so at 400 degrees. Bacon-wrapped anything is a hit in my book, and when you add BBQ sauce to it, it just ups the delicious factor.
  • The hubs chipped in too and made his famous chicken wings. Incredibly easy to make and even easier to eat because they're so good. Season flour with whatever spices you want, coat chicken wings in flour, drop in boiling oil (a dutch oven works well for this if you don't have a fryer and, really, who does in a standard apartment kitchen?!) and toss fried wings in your choice of sauce. Yum!
After all that food, we were stuffed, but got to enjoy a victory over the top-ranked team in the country to bring an end to a fabulous day. And the best part? All the leftovers for me to enjoy today :)



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cheers to You! (and a great party dip)

Hello all,

First off, I have to say THANK YOU to everyone - family, friends, colleagues and others - who have all expressed your interest in this blog. It's so nice to hear your thoughts on what I'm writing and, frankly, it's good to know someone or sometwo are reading this!

Secondly, a few of you have asked me how you "follow" this blog. The easiest, and best, way to do this is to click the "Follow" button on the right-hand side of the blog. If you have a Google or Yahoo address, or a Twitter account, you can use that log-in info to become an official follower, and receive a notification when I post something new. If you don't have any of those log-ins, you can create a new one, through Google, though by no means do I want you to do that just for this blog. If you don't want to/can't follow the blog, you can still comment on a specific post by clicking in the "comment" box below each post and sharing your thoughts. You can also email me at I would love to hear your comments, thoughts, questions, suggestions for recipes or other food blogs, etc.

I'm sorry I've been quiet the past few days, especially in light of the great feedback you all have been giving me!, but I was out of town, visiting my family back home and spending a few days back in the office with my colleagues. The trip was wonderful and I learned a fabulous recipe from my mom that would be great for any party. And, with all the holidays/celebration gatherings sure to take place over the next few months, I think you'll all really like it.

Bacon-Tomato Party Dip
- Equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream (bonus - you can make as much or as little as you need, based on the size of the group you want to serve!)
- Cooked, chopped bacon
- Quartered cherry tomatoes
- Dill (for flavoring)
- Crackers or veggies of your choice to serve with the dip (I'd also recommend a spoon, to eat the dip straight from the bowl. It's that good!)

Combine equal parts mayo and sour cream, mix in tomatoes and dill and let sit overnight. Stir in chopped bacon and serve with your choice of crackers and/or veggies.

Seriously, it's that easy and even more delicious. Now that I'm back home, I'm planning a few meals this week so I'll be posting more thoughts, ideas and recipes in the coming days. Enjoy!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Slow Cooker Edition

Since I started this blog, just a few days ago, I can't help but think of topics I want to write about and one of the consistent themes that kept popping up was what I'm so happy to have when I cook - whether it be a specific ingredient, overall meal, cooking accessory or cocktail. So, the PR girl in me came up with "Thankful Thursdays," when I'll take each Thursday post to highlight one of these things I'm thankful for.

To kick-off Thankful Thursdays, I'd like to discuss my thankfulness for slow cookers. Growing up, my mom always made pot roast and stews in the Crock Pot - and I LOVED them. Nothing was better than coming home to that smell wafting throughout the entire house, then tasting the tender meat and vegetables with a side of bread.

I got a Crock Pot from our sister-in-law (thanks Megan!) and I'm so thankful for having it - there are a number of benefits:
  • As mentioned, the smell wafting through the house. Since I work from home, it's very dangerous to use a Crock Pot, as I make frequent stops into the kitchen to taste the food cooking
  • Crock Pots usually mean lots of food, which means leftovers. And, for days when I don't want to cook (like tonight!) we've still got a comforting, delicious meal to enjoy for dinner, and I didn't have to lift a finger (just the lid of the Tupperware!)
  • Chopping and peeling all those vegetables - carrots, celery, potatoes, onions, garlic, peppers and anything else you put into your pots - can be therapeutic. Seriously, nothing battles aggression or stress better than a big knife and a bunch of crunchy vegetables :)

So tonight is leftover slow cooker beef and vegetable stew night - I'm off to enjoy with a glass of cold sauvignon blanc, or two, to relax with my husband and puppy. Cheers to you all!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pizza Pizza!

There is one meal that is always great to have the ingredients on-hand for, and that's homemade pizza. I don't think I've made homemade pizza since I was probably in grade school and we all got to make our own at someone's birthday party, likely on a bagel.

However, we both like pizza, and it's a lot cheaper and healthier (at least, in my mind!) to make it from scratch than order it in from somewhere, so that's what I started doing. There are numerous benefits of this pizza too - you can control the toppings, the amount of grease, the kind of crust, how soft/crispy the crust is and so on. Not to mention, you likely have the ingredients for the toppings in some way, shape or form already in your kitchen.

Tonight, hence this post, is homemade pizza night. The hubs is working late, and not feeling well to boot, and I had a late lunch, meaning neither of us will be in the mood for a big dinner, if at all for him. However, that's another beauty of pizza. You can eat as much or as little as you want, and there's (usually!) leftovers for lunch the next day. And who doesn't like cold pizza for lunch (or breakfast, in my opinion, on occasion!)

So, here's my newly developed "recipe" for pizza - it's not really a recipe, since it's customizeable to your taste and available ingredients, so consider it more of a general guide to follow:
  • Whole wheat crust - has a light flavor and is better for you than regular dough. I like Mama Mary's, which is available in the refridgerated section of the grocery store

  • Shredded mozzerella cheese - up to a package, depending on how much cheese you like

  • Sliced pepperoni - you can buy the whole stick and cut to your desired thickness, or the prepackaged version that comes already-sliced.

  • Chopped onion, green pepper and black olives (olives only on my slices!)

  • Sauce - any kind of pasta sauce will do. Red, white, whatever will complement your toppings

  • Minced garlic - this little touch, sprinkled over the sauce, under the toppings makes all the difference

Assemble, bake and enjoy. And save the leftovers for tomorrow - I know I will!


Monday, October 11, 2010

A Toast!

Welcome friends!

I'm excited to start a new adventure in blogging, which complements the other adventures I've recently embarked on - getting married, moving to a new city 1,700 miles away, getting a puppy and learning how to cook for two!

I've always had a bit of an interest in cooking - like other people have an interest in going to the dentist. I want it to be quick, as painless as possible and not leave a bad taste in my mouth. Before I got married, I subsisted on instant mashed potatoes and pasta. I love my carbs! Oh, and white wine. That's my go-to cocktail, which goes with both mashed potatoes and pasta beautifully!

Now that I'm married though, I have this new-found desire to cook good meals for the two of us. I fancy myself a decent cook, haven't burned the house down (yet!) and am exploring new recipes, cooking techniques and flavors. I have all the fun new cooking accessories from Crate & Barrel and Bed, Bath & Beyond that I never thought I'd use (hello meat tenderizer?), but now I am and plan to blog about the creations, both good and bad, as well as the questions that come up along the way.

So, I hope you'll pour yourself the cocktail of your choice, and sit back, relax and enjoy a good read. If you've got something to say, I'd love to hear it. Got a recipe you think I'd like? Send it my way. And, especially, feel free to share this site with anyone else you think might like it.

I don't promise to post something every day, and I don't promise each post will always change your life, but I do promise to share my adventures when they're worth sharing and would love to hear your feedback in return. See you all soon!

