Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vacation Revelation: Trying New Things Can Be Fun!

I, and the husband, were on vacation this past week, the WHOLE week. And it was glorious! We each were able to schedule the week off from our respective jobs to spend some time together, around the holidays, and explore this great city that we've lived in for six months and never really "seen." We did a nice mix of activities and bumming around, enough to see, do and eat some fun things, as well as be well-rested for the return to work tomorrow.

For me, the vacation really can be summed up into one theme: trying new things. I learned how to play XBox 360, which the man loves, and it turns out it can be pretty fun. We also got the new Kinect (thanks Mom and Dad!) for XBox, which is an absolute blast to play as well. I also touched, held and fired a gun for the first time. We paid a visit to a shooting range, as my guy has always been interested in and around guns and wanted to go. Again, tried something new (and terrifying at first!) and found out I really like it. Talk about the ultimate stress busting activity! :)

And, finally, I discovered the ultimate discovery: there are certain seafood dishes that I will eat. I've spent all of my 27 years of life avoiding seafood in all its forms- raw, cooked, seared, wet, dry, fried, boiled and so on. NEVER have I found something I liked, so I figured my life would go on as usual, sans seafood. However, we went to dinner this week and, living in San Diego, the majority of items on most menus contain seafood of some kind. So, naturally, I chose my go-to dish of steak. It was delicious, as steaks usually are. The hubs got an ahi tuna dish, which sounded not-so-great on the menu to me. However, in the spirit of the vacation, I decided to try a bite.

LO AND BEHOLD, I loved it. I actually liked it more than he did, so we switched plates and I ate the tuna and he, the steak. It may seem like a small thing to some of you, but truly, there are two dishes I've tried in my entire life that I've been able to eat - certain calamari dishes (if it's REALLY breaded and comes with lots of dipping sauce) and this tuna dish. I have new-found faith that there are other dishes out there that will continue to delight me, if only I find and try them.

So, vacation has come to an end, which I am ever-so sad about, but it was a great time, filled with fun and new experiences and some serious quality time with my guy. I'm excited for Christmas to come this weekend to continue our streak of new and exciting experiences (first Xmas as a married couple- woohoo!) and entertaining a few family members and friends.

Happy holidays to you all and I hope you find something new and exciting to enjoy in the coming weeks as well.


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